
Internationalisation@Home with Multinational Practice Enterprises

The MULTINA – Internationalisation@Home with Multinational Practice Enterprises project aims to design and develop an innovative and inclusive model of the Practice Enterprise concept by creating multinational Practice Enterprises for VET students to experience an internationalisation@home. Students will work and learn together live with peers from other countries, strengthening international cooperation, language and digital skills, getting a better understanding of how an international market works and enabling students to work together in an international environment.

The multinational Practice Enterprise offers virtual mobility opportunity for trainees through operational connections with other student Practice Enterprises from around the world, creating a realistic multinational learning environment. The international dimension of the Practice Enterprise is especially relevant at this time, as VET institutions are experiencing great difficulty in mobility activities for students from every country due to the ongoing worldwide health crisis.

With the goal to advance the flexibility and inclusivity of the Practice Enterprise concept as well as to adapt to the current changes in the field of education due to the current pandemic, the need for alternative forms of mobility where the participant can experience international work-based learning in a safe environment that closely matches a real-world company has become a reality.

The MULTINA project will enable students to get an insight into international business, international marketing and international laws and regulations concerning enterprises by creating branches of their businesses together with VET students in another participating country. It will also allow to experience the reality of the global interconnected business world where students become active citizens and experience live work-based interactions with their international peers through a cooperative, innovative and inclusive model of multinational Practice Enterprise.

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