

About network

PenNed is the Dutch office of PEN Worldwide and saw the light of day at the end of November 2017 when around 20 representatives of 11 ROCs attended Stichting Praktijkleren to talk about the possibilities of setting up so-called Practice Enterprises: training companies where almost all office professions (and many more) can run real trading companies that can interact with each other in the global network (virtual): Really work in a safe environment.

PenNed stands for Practice enterprise network Nederland and functions as central office of the Dutch Practice Enterprises. PenNed sets up a training course with starting schools, creates a registration website, arranges access to the bank software and the database with all practice companies in the world, organizes coaching of the schools and supervisors, establishes a helpdesk, arranges exchange of and provides information all other schools and interested organizations.

Operating in the country since: 2017

Member of PEN Worldwide since: 2018

Number of Practice Enterprises: 32

  • Vocational Education
  • University

CONTACT information

Disketteweg 11
3821 AR Amersfoort
T: +31 (033) 470 99 30
Email: penned@stichtingpraktijkleren.nl
Web address:

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