
Sebrae Minas - Empresa Simulada

About network

The Practice Enterprise methodology in Brazil began in 1996, with the creation of the CESBRASIL (Brazilian Center of Practice Enterprises) project, which was born with the aim of coordinating Practice Enterprise activities of Escola Técnica de Formação Gerencial - currently, Escola do Sebrae - of SEBRAE Minas.

This focus was later expanded and the Practice Enterprise became available in several other upper secondary, vocational and higher education institutions.

The international recognition as a member network took place in 1998, when SEBRAE Minas had its registration accepted in PEN Worldwide, the association that operates the international Practice Enterprise network.

Since then, SEBRAE Minas is a PEN Worldwide member organization, being the only institution authorized to operate and license the Practice Enterprise methodology in the country.

Operating in the country since: 1996

Member of PEN Worldwide since: 1998

Number of Practice Enterprises: 150

  • Upper Secondary
  • Vocational Education
  • University

CONTACT information

Avenida Barão Homem de Melo, 329
Nova Granada - Belo Horizonte - Minas Gerais
T: +55 31 3379 9338
Email: empresasimulada@sebraemg.com.br
Web address:

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